The Process of Obtaining Module Compatibility


A PV Module that obtein a perfect module compatibility with PVH Trackers

At PVH, we know that ensuring the compatibility between our advanced solar trackers and various photovoltaic (PV) modules is essential for the efficiency and reliability of any solar installation. As a leading solar tracker manufacturer, we work closely with module manufacturers to ensure both components operate seamlessly together, maximizing system performance. This process results in a formal compatibility certificate, confirming that the PV modules and PVH trackers are optimized for long-term success. 

Here’s an overview of how we at PVH obtain compatibility with module manufacturers:

  1. Initial Request

The process starts when either PVH or the module manufacturer initiates contact to request a compatibility letter. This can be a general request or one tailored for a specific project. At this stage, we gather the necessary information about the PV modules and the PVH tracker model that will be used, which sets the foundation for the technical evaluation. 

  1. Exchange of Technical Specifications

Once the request is made, both PVH and the module manufacturer exchange detailed technical specifications. The module manufacturer provides critical information, such as: 

  • Module dimensions 
  • Distance between mounting holes 
  • Frame type and thickness 
  • Any other relevant details 

At PVH, we provide our technical data on the chosen tracker model, with a focus on aspects like our Panel Rail design, which secures the modules to the tracker. 

  1. Technical Review

Our engineering team at PVH then conducts a detailed review of the technical specifications alongside the module manufacturer’s team. We ensure that the modules can be securely and efficiently mounted on our trackers, confirming system reliability over the lifetime of the installation. In some cases, we run additional tests and simulations to confirm that the modules and our trackers perform optimally in specific conditions, such as under different wind loads or temperature variations. 

  1. Documentation and Approvals

Once compatibility has been verified, PVH prepares a formal compatibility letter. This document outlines the technical conditions under which the PV modules and our solar trackers are deemed compatible. It also includes any necessary recommendations to ensure peak system performance. 

  1. Signing and Distribution

After the certificate is finalized, it is signed by authorized representatives from both PVH and the module manufacturer. The document is then distributed to project developers and other stakeholders, providing the necessary confirmation to proceed with the installation. 

If there are any changes to the design of either the PV modules or our trackers, the compatibility certificate will be updated accordingly to maintain compliance with performance standards. 

Key Elements of a PVH Compatibility Letter

Every compatibility letter issued by PVH includes the following key components: 

  • Header and Contact Information: Featuring PVH’s logo and contact details, alongside those of the module manufacturer. 
  • Statement of Intent: A formal declaration confirming the compatibility between the module manufacturer’s PV modules and PVH trackers. 
  • Technical Details: Specifics about the PV modules and the PVH tracker, including model numbers, dimensions, and other relevant information. 
  • Evaluation Results: Findings from our technical review, covering aspects like load capacity and the secure mounting of the modules on our trackers. 
  • Recommendations: Suggestions from PVH for optimizing installation and performance. 
  • Signature and Date of Issue: The certificate is signed by authorized representatives from both PVH and the module manufacturer, along with the date of issuance. 
  • Annexes: Any additional supporting documents, if needed. 

Ensuring Long-Term Performance

At PVH, our compatibility process ensures that your solar project is set up for success by confirming that our trackers and the selected PV modules are fully compatible. We collaborate closely with module manufacturers to mitigate risks and guarantee that the system will perform efficiently over its lifetime. By keeping the compatibility certificates up-to-date with any changes in design, we ensure that our trackers and the latest PV modules remain in sync with industry standards. 

When you choose PVH, you’re choosing a partner who is committed to precision, innovation, and the long-term success of your solar projects. 

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