Value added services

PVH’s best professionals accompany you throughout the process to guarantee the best result.

Value added services

PVH’s best professionals accompany you throughout the process to guarantee the best result.


We can coordinate delivery of materials according to customer’s requirements. PVH utilizes lead logistics to provide a rolling, just-in-time delivery so that work crews have a steady flow of components which must be installed during the months of work required to build out the solar plant. This prevents the storage of large quantities of material in the plant itself without ever being depleted of materials.

Our 80,000 tons of components stored and our special location, near the port of Valencia, allows us to serve any order in a record time anywhere in the world.


PVH has invested in state-of-the-art metal manufacturing equipment to ensure competitive price points. By having our own metal transformation facility equipped with modern, labor-saving tools we can be highly competitive, in addition to allowing for tighter quality control, reduced manufacturing time and greater control of timeframes.

PVH is certified by the European Quality Assurance for the UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015 and the UNE-EN-ISO 14001:2015 as the Quality Management System and the Environmental Management System.

Comprehensive engineering & site support

PVH collaborates with its customers to create the ideal solutions for their projects, providing value-added services from the beginning of the project to the commissioning. These standard services include:

Mounting service & assistance to third party

PVH offers the possibility to carry out the mounting and assembly of its structures. We count on assembly operators and drilling equipment to carry out the foundations and supervisors to control the execution by hiring personnel from the area where the plant will be built.

In case you prefer others to do the assembly, PVH offers technical support during assembly by third parties, assisting in the foundations, the assembly of the structure, modules installation, the commissioning and the start-up of the plant.

Structural calculation

Working with the best calculation techniques in the market-based on three main points:

Wind loads definition: This is one of the critical points in the solar sector and PVH works with the most experienced engineers in the sector (CPP, UOIT, IDR) to perform several wind tunnel tests like full scale, static scaled wind tunnels and aeroelastic tests to prevent phenomena like fluttering.

Structural Calculations: All our analyses is done with FEM (Finite Element Models) using software like Ansys or Abaqus. The analyses is from global models to check the behavior of the complete structure until small detailed models to check all the joints.

Foundation analysis: Our team of geotechnical experts in collaboration with the Polytechnic University of Madrid study in detail the different soils situations. We give solutions for every kind of soil and carry out pull out test (POT) campaign in order to verify the tracker predesign or adjust parameters.

POT campaign & trackers commissioning

The POT (pull out test) campaign is crucial when designing tracker’s piles . Performing these tests, we can define the type and the length of the post and, in addition, detect all the future problems that EPC may face during construction.

Once the posts have been correctly driven, we check the correct installation and assembly of the trackers and proceed to the appropriate configuration and commissioning of the systems that make the structure carry out the solar tracking.

Turnkey construction

Minimizing project risks is one of the main objectives of EPC developers and companies. For this reason, PVH offers an optional turnkey tracker installation as a value-added service. PVH was founded within the construction industry by solar professionals, so it’ s not just a steel manufacturer. This differentiation makes the installation of a photovoltaic structure flexible, reducing as much as possible the project risk and uncertainty.