3H, 2V or bifacial, the smart solution for single-row PV tracker
3H, 2V or bifacial, the smart solution for single-row PV tracker

90 panels per row
For hilly terrains
Monoline 3H is PVH’s single-row single-axis tracker 60 meters long that holds three rows of modules placed horizontally (3L configuration). It is used in steep terrain where the intention is to minimize the movement of land and civil works. It is also used when the contour of the plot is irregular and therefore makes much better use of the available area.
Monoline 3H has its own cleaning robot specially designed for it. Learn more!
The best companion for bifacial modules that will soon become the dominant design.
Maximize the bifacial gain
Used primarily with a bifacial module in 2-in-portrait (2P) configuration. For the rest of modules, it is recommended when there are irregular contours in the plots to take better advantage of the available space. This means it has a better occupation coefficient.
Closer to the sun
Large height to width aspect ratio maximizes rear side irradiance, reducing the shade intensity and mismatch loses.
Improve your production
Depending on albedo and other factors, the combination of PVH’s Monoline 2V single-axis tracker and bifacial modules increases yield, ranging from 10 to 15 percent, making this technology a major step forward to PV technology accelerating market growth.
Wind tunnel test performed
We have carried out extensive wind tunnel tests to identify the loads that impact on the structure, considering the height of the tracker and the longitudinal grooves. These tests include the damping factors of the structure, around 15 percent and identify the most favorable rest positions in case of high wind speeds to avoid the flutter phenomenon.

More light to be captured
- The rear-side of the panel also benefits from sunlight reflected on the ground.
- Best companion for bifacial modules: the Monoline 2V-60B, a single-axis tracker that supports 60 panels per row.
The design of PVH’s market-tested tracker has been forged during years of experience in the global utility-scale PV market and incorporates over 6 years of lessons learned, earned from the perspectives of multiple stakeholders of PV projects worldwide. The result is an investment-grade solar tracker that addresses the multiple needs of the owner and EPC alike, driving down the LCOE of PV energy.

Design approach
Especially suited for hilly terrain and irregularly shaped plots, as well as those with obstacles.
Only has five piles per tracker, which provides the EPC with a quicker and less expensive installation.
Direct module attachment to rigid steel panel rails eliminate vibratory/thermal expansion and over-torquing risks associated with aluminum sandwich clamps.
Robust structure
25-year design life.
Easy to operate.
Integrates with most SCADAs for remote control.
Panel rails are made of HDG steel or Magnelis and are apt for direct module attachment and grounding.
Securely attached to the torque tube, which has splices made with easy-to-install bolt-on clamps avoiding welding on field or other time-consuming tasks.
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and download the Monoline datasheet

Cleaner 3H
The cleaning robot solution, specially developed to optimize the performance of solar plants with Monoline 3H